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Pink Season: A Retrospective

Writer's picture: SplatSplat

If you were a teenager in 2017 you knew about Filthy Frank. The shitty boys in your class would reference his videos and do his stupid voice constantly and it was simply impossible to avoid. One of the last thing that George Miller/ Filthy Frank/ Pink Guy/ Joji did under this creative project was release the album Pink Season. It’s been a solid 5 years since the release of the album and Miller has proceeded to become one of the biggest names in pop music today. Who was this previous persona? Is it worth revisiting? Was it ever really funny? or was there simply lead in the paint at my school? I have set out to answer these questions by going through every track in Pink Season. I will be giving a short synopsis and my thoughts on the song followed by a rating out of 10.

Hot Nickel Ball on a Pussy-

First we have “Hot Nickel Ball on a Pussy '' (further referenced as simply “Hot Nickel Ball”). This is a meme song that is supposed to sound bad. This is the first of many of these songs, which I will categorize as “So Bad It’s Funny”. There's nothing really to say about this one. it's supposed to be funny cause he's saying pussy and that's really it. it's one of the one note songs in this album. I like a pussy being called an ax wound.

song rating: 2/10

Are You Serious-

This is the first actually good song of the album. The beat goes hard and Frank's lyrics are also hard as hell. Some of my favorite lines are "I cum in your sister's mouth and your mother’s hair, I get the will to your grandma’s house and your fathers shares" and “I eat the pussy like Young M.A. on her period”. Definitely worth your time.

song rating: 8.75/10

I got a gun-

It’s another one note meme song, funny because bad, aged less poorly than hot nickel ball but isn't amazing. too many gunshots in the beat is pretty funny.

Song rating: 4.5/10

Nickelodeon Girls-

Okay here we have the main song that most people remember from this album. It's the best of what Frank was remembered for. Here you have the first example of Frank drawing his first line in the sand, he specifically points out that every girl he sexualizes is older than 18, showing that he won't sexualize actual children. I don't mind it but it's not like an amazing song, it's fun to remember and reference and definitely hit a lot harder in 2017. Definitely an actually good song with effort but it's a meme song nonetheless.

Song rating: 5.5/10


It’s another classic frank meme song. It was popular before the album but he added the cool middle rap part to make it a more full fledged song. It's less of a meme song and more of a real song in my opinion but it's definitely not as hard hitting as the other real songs. I like the rug pull when he says he didn't go far enough, was funny did laugh.

Song rating: 6.4/10

Gays for donald-

first appearance of his "haha funny racism", but it's pretty obvious it's satire. Think this is more along the lines of "nickelodeon girls" than "hot nickel ball" and "I got a gun" but it's definitely not like a good song. It's pretty funny I think, I like when he talks about Donald Trump's tits lol.

Rating: 4.9/10

I do it for my hood-

there's probably an essay here about a non black man parodying a trope in black media, but that's out of my depth, so I'm just gonna say it's another it's so bad it's funny song and that it's okay, not super funny but it can get a chuckle out of me.

Song rating: 2.95/10

Please Stop Calling Me Gay-

another so bad it's funny song, and it's actually kinda funny. He drops another slur in here but yanno what are you gonna do. You could say it's a comment on the defensiveness of the narrator in not wanting to be called gay, maybe its a story about a closeted gay man who desperately wants to be perceived as straight or somthing, I dunno dude it's filthy frank.

Song Rating: 3.53/10

She's So Nice-

HERE WE ARE!!! THE REALLY GOOD SONG. this song goes hard for so many reasons, the chorus "OOH I FUCKED A GIRLS TITTYS" is just absolutely banger. Also the flow from the aggressive to the smooth calm "she's so nice" is just real nice. The flow is super danceable and I love all his flows about fuckin yo girl and just disrespecting her.

Song rating: 10/10

Please stop touching my willy-

it's so short it's really funny, if it was any longer it wouldn't be as funny and wouldn't have as high of a rating. My name is Jeff.

Song rating: 8/10

Uber Pussy:

yeah this song is like fine, it's one of those good meme songs but it's closer to "hot nickel ball" than "nickelodeon girls". I really like the vocal sample In the middle, that raises the song a point.

Song Rating: 4.65/10


This song is one of the like actually good songs. It’s still pretty meme-esque but I can't really understand it so it's better because of that, I do know he keeps saying pussy though. The beat is nice.

Song rating: 5.89/10


Okay we are back to the actually good songs with like no real meme content, it's not just “haha sex funny”, its got real slick references and rhymes and is so worth your time. The beat hits hard and some favorite lyrics are “Go to Pre-k put your bag in your cubby”, “we’re about to make a movie, with a hand held sony, puffing on a loosey”. This is the introduction of Frank’s strained relationship to his audience. This is seen in the lyric “motherfucking gimmick like your man jeff dunny, but who am I to talk, making pre-teens laugh for the money”. He looks down upon his own work, it's almost like he isn’t proud of what he does. Looking back, this sentiment is extremely fair, this album falls into a bunch of one note jokes that kill in the 11-16 crowd but simply don’t hold up.

Song Rating- 10/10

Meme Machine-

Obvious meme song, but it's one of the ones which are actually kinda good. Not saying it's worth putting on a playlist unless you're a terminally online 14 year old in 2017. I would not turn this off if it was playing but I would much rather listen to anything else. I really like the line “God Has Abandoned us” (because he has). Song rating: 5.125/10

Hand on My Gat-

Holy fucking shit this song is just so bad dude. Like its another “haha its so bad its funny” song but damn does it just fucking suck, and the 4 minute length with the hidden jump scare at the end really just makes me want to pull my teeth out. Skip this shit it's just so not worth it. The last like 4 seconds should have just been its own song. Song Rating: 0/10

D I C C W E T T 1-

Its short so its fine i guess, not funny, just “sex haha funny”. Song rating: 1/10

Flex Like David Icke-

David Icke for those who do not know was a sports broadcaster who just lost his mind and started spewing bullshit. He's like anti-semetic and just an overall nut case, whole point of the song is to make fun of him which is pretty cool, but the song itself is pretty weak.

Song Rating: 3.95/10

High School Blink193-

Yeah you can get the gist from the title, blink 182 parody, more slurs but it does kinda nail the blink sound which is pretty funny, but overall it's just not worth more than half a listen.

Song Rating: 2/10

Rice Balls-

Finally another good song. This shit bangs, love the beat and the lyrics go hard as always. Just as danceable as “She’s So Nice” and really just cool as hell. Really wish Joji would come back to this sound (and run away from the D I C C W E T T 1 and High School Blink193 bullshit). Listen to this, put it on a playlist, it's worth it. Song Rating- 9.95/10

Dora The Explora-

Another line is drawn here, he sexualizes Dora but he makes it obvious that he's only doing it because she's not actually real. It doesn't make the song actually worth anything though, it's worth a listen if you just have two and a half minutes that you want to waste and never get back. Also beat lasts too long after the song is over.

Song Rating: 2/10


This song has the vibe of a serious song and it's not bad, it's got some solid lines but definitely doesn't hold up to other serious songs in the album. Joy can be found here.

song Rating: 6/10

We Fall Again-

This is a nice slow song, it's a serious song and much more akin to his Joji work than Frank. Pretty good I think, worth a playlist add in my opinion. Short and to the point.

Song rating: 8.5/10

Club Banger 3000-

Okay this shit is fucking halerious. It's just funny. I love the high hat and the HEY!!!!. It sounds like something you would make in fruity loops with your friends late on a saturday night.

Song Rating: 6.95/10


Good song, Really like the juxtaposition of the happy corporate backing track with the absolutely desperate lyrics. The Chorus is real nice. It's solid, funny, and worth your time. Definitely has some 2017 edgy stank on it but hey it's pink guy what did you really expect. Song Rating: 8.95/10


Yeah it's alright, it’s just fine dude. Sex is funny right? Short enough that it doesn’t overstay its welcome.

Song Rating: 3.75/10

Small Dick-

Another “so bad it's funny song”, it’s not good but it isn’t annoying. It just kinda exists. I don't think it aged well. He brings up race and I'm just not touching that shit, not my place.

Song Rating: 2.85/10

Pink Life-

Back to good music here, Song is solid. Idk dude it's the same level of the other good songs on here. It's got a nice hook, and shout out to Steve from blues clues, go find those clues mang.

Song Rating: 9.5/10

Another Earth-

This shit is just bad dude, the end is really fucking bad, aged real fucking bad.

Song Rating: 0/10

I Will Get a Vasectomy-

This is a message from Frank to his fans, and you can really feel him getting tired of all this shit. One could see this as him sending a goodbye letter to his original fans and getting ready to move on to Joji. It’s an interesting song in retrospect, but not really fun to listen to. Frank was planning on releasing another album after this one, but eventually gave up on the idea. This is the best example of why he did.

Song Rating: 3.55/10


Reference to him messing with PETA, and I think we can all agree that PETA deserves all the ridicule they get. It's obvious irony, I doubt he actually abuses animals, but if he does that's real messed up. Its a solid song even including the funny haha meme lyrics.

Song rating: 7/10

Fried Noodles-

Good song, really like the beat. It feels like a sister song to “Dumplings” which is pretty cool. Has alot of really good lyrics in it like “My dick like Americans. Too fat, but Dangerous”. I like “Classic penis joke inserted with appropriate timing, because if I ain’t got a penis line i ain't dining.” referencing how his fan base was made up of edgy teenagers. Continues the overarching theme of him being really unhappy with the situation and was ready to move on as soon as possible. Has the same hook punchline of “Help” but is still pretty sick. Worth a listen and then another.

Song Rating: 10/10

Goofy’s Trial-

Funny skit, I like it.

Song Rating: 8/10

Be inspired-

Be inspired is the closer for the album, another rap music parody, its fine, its just fine. Got more points because its short.

Song Rating: 3/10

Overall Filthy Frank was a cultural force to be reckoned with back in his heyday. He made some classic videos and inspired a whole generation to just be general fucking assholes. Should edgy humor and culture come back? Oh god no. Was it fun while it lasted? I think so, yeah. This is Frank saying goodbye to his fans and leaving them with some of his best (and worst) work. Should we keep listening to this album? There are songs worth your time, but overall, no. A lot of the jokes DO NOT hold up at best and are just blatantly fucking awful at worst. It’s obvious that Frank was sick of this song and dance and was ready for something else. It was the perfect timing for an exit, and his career reflects this. There are a couple songs which I did not review because they are no longer available. These songs are “White Is Right” and “Dog Festival Directions”. “Dog Festival” is still listenable and my thoughts are that it's a good joke. He’s pretty much just reading a wikipedia page about a dog eating festival, its a solid 7/10. I cant listen to “White Is Right”, but I suspect that its about the same vibe as the beginning of “Gays 4 Donald” and probably aged like milk. In conclusion, I do not miss being 14. I am so happy that I am 19. Humans grow, being a teenager fucking sucks, and I have officially spent too much time on this fucking review.


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